You will get various offers, if you buy LG and ECO plus products in “Butterfly Autumn Special Offer”.
Butterfly products are of superior quality and sophisticated in design to make your home look and act even smarter. TVs, Home Theaters, Audio Units, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Ovens, Vacuum Cleaners, Cameras, Electric Kettle, Rice Cookers – you name it and it’s there.
“Butterfly Autumn Special Offer” has various special offers including 2% cashback in installments, cashback up to 5% on cash purchases and safety insurance.
Click for details –
Duration: August 22, 2020 until further notice.

You will get 2% cashback when you purchase products in installments from the Butterfly showroom. Click for details
If you buy products in cash from any Butterfly showroom, you can get up to 5% cashback through gift card and if you buy products online, you can get cashback up to 7% through gift card. Click for details
Butterfly is in your side with “Safety Insurance” in this crisis. Click for details
Notable banks have the facility to purchase products through Bank EMI for up to 36 months. (Not applicable online) Click for details
Up to 14% discount on certain LG and Ecoplus products. Contact the nearest showroom or 16571 for details.