Here we informed you about train schedule, ticket price and other necessary information of Dhaka to Sirajganj route. You can purchase and book a train ticket online to make your travel more easier.
Bangladesh railway schedule of all trains, Dhaka To Sirajganj Train ticket price information, Bangladesh Railway Schedule, Bangladesh Railway, Online Dhaka To Sirajganj Train Ticketing Time, Online Dhaka To Sirajganj Train Ticket booking, Train New Ticketing Rules, Online Train Ticketing Rules, Dhaka To Sirajganj Train Schedule, Dhaka To Sirajganj Train Schedule BD, Sirajganj to Dhaka New Train Schedule, Train Ticket, How Can I do Ticket in Sirajganj to Dhaka Train.
Dhaka To Sirajganj Train Schedule
If you are a train Journey lover and want to travel from Dhaka to Sirajganj or Sirajganj to Dhaka, then may you need to know the train name and train schedule of Sirajganj. The available train has mentioned below with Departure and arrival time. You will able to know the Dhaka to Sirajganj train schedule.
Name of train | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Sirajgang express(776) | 05.00 PM | 09.30 PM | Saturday. |
Sirajganj to Dhaka Train Schedule
The same two trains run from Dinajpur to Dhaka route. While you want to journey, you should know the Dinajpur to Dhaka train Schedule.
Destination | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Sirajgang express(775) | 6.00 AM | 10.15 AM | Saturday |
Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Ticket Price
Here we mentioned Dhaka to Sirajganj current Train Ticket price. Train ticket price depends on the train seat class. You will find different categories of seat classes in Bangladesh Railway and you can choose with your budget and choices. In this table, we have mentioned Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Ticket price.
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovan Chair | 295 TK |
First Seat | 390 TK |
First Berth | 585 TK |
Snigdha | 490 TK |
AC | 585 TK |
Ac Berth | 880 TK |
Bangladesh Railway Online Ticket Booking New System
Bangladesh Railway (BR) passengers from now on will have to follow a new procedure and create fresh accounts to book and buy train tickets online. Ministry of Railways issued a notification on the resumption of the online ticketing system through “Shohoz”.
Here we mentioned step-by-step guide on how to create an account on and make bookings on the new e-ticketing platform of the railway –
Train Ticket New Account creation System:
- Step 1: First visit this link
- Step 2: Click on “registration” or “create a new account”
- Step 3: Provide the website with your personal information – user name, DoB, NID or birth certificate number, address, contact number with an email address
- Step 4: Check if all the information are correct and then click on “submit”
- Step 5: A verification code will be sent to the designated mobile number after a while
- Step 6: Enter the security code on the e-ticket website and click on registration.
After this procedures you will receive an email from Bangladesh Railway with a link to complete your registration
New Train Ticket purchase System:
- Visit
- Log in to your account using your email address, password and security code
- After successfully logging in, click on “purchase”
- Then select the date of your journey, the starting station, the destination station, class of the train, and the number of seats
- Then the website will display the name of the train and the number of seats available
- You can manually choose your seats or make the selection process automatic
- Click on the “purchase ticket” if your preferred seats are available
- In order to confirm the reservation, payment of the selected fare must be made in full.
You can confirm the payments via credit, debit or cash cards as well as different MFS platforms. After this, Bangladesh Railway will send an online copy of the ticket to the passenger’s email address. The passenger has to collect the original copy of the ticket from the departure station after showing the online copy to the designated railway desk with a valid photo ID.
And This is all about the Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Schedule and Ticket price and online Ticket Booking System. If you want to make a journey then book the train ticket online easily and get ready for the journey.